August and September Results

Hello all:

Sorry for the delay in posting the points race. Without going into a bunch of excuses, let’s just say that I haven’t updated the blog in a while and leave it at that. Below you’ll find the winners of the past couple of games as well as the current points standings.

Final Table Points Error

I mistakenly awarded points to players for making the final table in the June and July games. In order for a player to be awarded a point for making the final table, the game must start with at least 16 players. In the June and July games we only started with 13 and 12, respectively. I’ve adjusted everyone’s point totals accordingly, and I apologize for any confusion this may cause.

August Winners

Congratulations to our August Winners:

  1. Buzz S.
  2. Mike S.
  3. Alison M.
  4. Tom S.

September Winners

Congratulations to the September Finalists:

  1. Sheila P.
  2. Chris M.
  3. Debbie G.

Points Race as of September, 2009


Hope to see you all at the game this weekend, October 10.

Published in: on October 5, 2009 at 9:54 pm  Leave a Comment  