September Results, Next Game Probably Oct. 16

Greetings all!

Thanks once again for coming down to the game on Saturday. We had a great time and hope you did, too.

Congratulations to our newest player, Roy, for his victory, and to our other winners for their impressive showing:

  1. Roy M.
  2. Ant.
  3. Craig H.
  4. Russell W.
  5. Chuck G.

Check out the current points race below.

Our next game will probably be on October 16. That’s right: technically, it’s not the Second Saturday, but it is a Saturday, so we should be OK with the Waxhaw Gaming Commission. Look for an evite coming soon with the actual date and time. And no, I’m not using that weirdo “New Evite Beta” thing. That thing is just plain criminal.

Hope to see you then. Talk to you soon.

–Anthony and Sheila

Published in: on September 13, 2010 at 8:13 am  Leave a Comment