House Rules

These rules are in place primarily to keep the game moving along in a timely fashion (this point can be illustrated in three small but gut-wrenching words: “blinds are up!”). However, they also ensure that everyone enjoys their gaming experience by providing a fair and equitable playing environment. If you have any questions about these rules, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration. See you at the tables!

  • The game will use Robert’s Rules for all issues pertaining to the specific rules of poker.
  • Keep your cards and chips on the poker table and in plain view. Keep your big chips out front.
  • Do not act out of turn. Act in an appropriate amount of time when it is your turn.
  • When it is a player’s turn to act, if the player does not act within two (2) minutes, any other player may call “Clock”. From that moment, the player then has 30 seconds to act. If the player does not act within that time, his or her hand will be considered dead.
  • Please verbally announce your betting action. Verbal bets are binding.
  • Players who are all-in must reveal their hands.
  • The cards speak for themselves.
  • Absolutely NO rabbit hunting. It slows the game down, and besides, it’s silly. The hand’s over. Move on.
  • When folding, “show one, show all”.
  • In a showdown situation, if your bet is called and you hold the winning hand, you must show both hole cards in order to collect the pot. Also, if your bet is called, you must show your hand or muck it. The caller has the same option (show or muck), but you as the bettor are obligated to show first (or, failing that, muck the hand and relinquish the pot). The following is from Robert’s Rules, under “The Showdown”, item 7:
    • If everyone checks (or is all-in) on the final betting round, the player who acted first is the first to show the hand. If there is wagering on the final betting round, the last player to take aggressive action by a bet or raise is the first to show the hand. In order to speed up the game, a player holding a probable winner is encouraged to show the hand without delay. If there is a side pot, players involved in the side pot should show their hands before anyone who is all-in for only the main pot.
  • String bets are not allowed.
  • Do not splash the pot.
  • Only one player to a hand.
  • Never touch another player’s cards or chips.
  • Immediately inform the Tournament Director when a player is eliminated.
  • The ‘dead button’ rule will be used.
  • Obviously, talking is permitted, but players not in the hand should refrain from influencing the play.
  • Do not ‘read’ the board possibilities out loud.
  • Do not ‘slow-roll’. Turn over your winning hand promptly.
  • Cell phone use at the table is prohibited. If you must make or take a call, please leave the table. While you are away, play will continue. You will be dealt out of all subsequent hands. You will be blinded in during your time away from the table.
  • If you are not in your seat when the action comes around to you, your hand will be mucked.
  • When moving players to balance tables, the person who was the button at the high table will be moved to the seat immediately to the right of the button at the low table.
Published on August 23, 2008 at 12:59 pm  Leave a Comment  

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