March Results, Next Game April 16


As always, we thank you for coming down to play in our humble card game. Even though yours truly didn’t make the final table, he had whiskey. So I had that going for me. Which was nice.

Thanks for making our newest player, Lenny L., feel welcome. Lenny, we hope to see you at our future games.

Before we get to the winners, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for showing up on time. The bonus incentive helped us get our game started at an unprecedented 7:03PM, which helps the game end at a reasonable time. There are certain parties here who live here who really appreciate that (she shall remain nameless), but when this person’s happy, everybody’s happy. You feelin’ me?

Anyway, on to the winners and such. Congratulations to:

  1. Craig H.
  2. Gary G.
  3. Chris M.
  4. Mark Z.

Which, naturally, leads to the following points race results:


Our next game will be on April 16. Be on the lookout for an invite from pingg soon.

Thanks again!

–Ant. and Sheila

Published in: on March 22, 2011 at 8:07 am  Leave a Comment