May 9 Results, Next Game June 20

Hi all:

Sorry for the delay in this post; it’s been a busy week.

Congratulations to our winners:

  1. Justin C.
  2. James D.
  3. Tim W.
  4. Chris M.
  5. Chuck G.

Our final table players were (in no particular order):

  • Ant.
  • Justin C.
  • Tom S.
  • Frank G.
  • Tim W.
  • Chip D.
  • Craig H.
  • James D.
  • Chuck G.
  • Chris M.

Thanks again for coming out to play, everyone! Our next game will be on June 20 (not a Second Saturday, but we’re making way for The Fairy Tale Chronicles, and so should you! go to for more information).

Current Points RaceMay09-results

Published in: on May 17, 2009 at 10:02 am  Leave a Comment  

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