February ’09 Results

Hi all:

Great game last night. Thanks for coming down. Congratulations to our winners:

  1. Gary G.
  2. Sheila P.
  3. Chip D.
  4. Chuck G.

See below for the current points race.


We’ve also decided to track the final table this year; i.e., who makes the final table in each game. Furthermore, one additional point will be awarded to those who make the final table (against a minimum field of 16). Much like the attendance point, winners will not be awarded the final table point. February’s Final Table was:

  1. Ant.
  2. Chris M.
  3. Gary G.
  4. Chuck G.
  5. Tom S.
  6. Sheila P.
  7. Tim W.
  8. Chip D.
  9. Ricky D.
  10. Debbie G.

2009 Current Points Race


Published in: on February 22, 2009 at 12:06 pm  Leave a Comment  
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