November Results, Next Game December 6

The whiskey bottle sits empty. Poker chips, so coveted not 12 hours ago, lay scattered on green felt. Playing cards are cold, stock-still. My head is screaming for relief.

Another Second Saturday Showdown comes to a close, and we salute this month’s winners. Check out the points race below.

  1. Craig H.
  2. Buzz S.
  3. Chris M.
  4. Sheila P.

Thanks for playing everyone. We can’t tell you how much we enjoy hosting the game, and consider ourselves very lucky that we have a group of friends willing to make the journey down once a month to play a game that we both love.

Next game will be December 6, the first Saturday, at 7:00PM. Hope you can make it. Look for an evite soon.


Published in: on November 9, 2008 at 11:40 am  Leave a Comment  

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