The Sign of the Four

The Sign of the Four, indeed. ‘Tis a strange game we play.

In a more Pleasant Game, I decimated Craig H.’s stack with a flopped set of fours. Next up, not two days hence, at CTH, he flopped the same set against me (and improved to quads on the river), and in doing so did the same deed to my stack of chips. We’re now even, it would seem.

No point to be made here, merely a comment on how “funny” this game is.

Just sayin’.

Published in: on August 31, 2008 at 11:20 am  Comments (2)  
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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Oh, I got 4 fours and won some chips, then someone got quad 4’s and took all my chips…..WAAAAAAAAAAA !

  2. yeah, real funny….

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